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Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bashkortostan |
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By Ong Saw Lan osl@usm.my School of Educational Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia
Many educational issues are crucial when teaching and learning science using second language. In Malaysia, many learners encounter English for the first time in school and rarely use it in their everyday lives. The use of English may affect the success of learning the subjects. The problem of learning science through a second language is compounded by other factors contributing to disadvantage, such as teachers who are not proficient in English and the lack of good science textbooks (Ong, 2004).
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Дата: 13.02.2009
By Rohizani-Yaakub
Introduction ETeMS was implemented in stages beginning the year 2003 for the primary one, secondary one, and lower six students throughout the country. It will reach full circle in the year 2008, when primary one students sit for the UPSR science and mathematics papers fully in English. The first cohort of the secondary one (2003) have sat for the PMR in 2005. Results shown that they have done well. Overall performance has proven that students’ achievement has been very promising. However, random interviews with students (mostly from urban schools) reveal that they could not understand lessons taught in English due to their own and teachers’ low English proficiency. We can safely assume that if the urban students are having difficulties with ETeMS, partly caused by teachers, what more could have happened to the rural students. These students are facing huge difficulties in comprehending these two subjects taught in English due to students’ and teachers’ poor English command.
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Дата: 13.02.2009
Russell Tytler Abstract In this brief paper I will draw on perspectives I have developed over a number of publications, most recently in a book chapter co-authored with Coral Campbell (Campbell & Tytler, in press), that explore children’s learning in science from a literacy perspective. I argue that a. learning in science involves achieving command of the discursive practices of science, which include verbal, written, diagrammatic and gestural representations. Achieving command involves the ability to translate science ideas across these different modes; b. The achievement of understanding in science does not operate by definitional language approaches (clarifying concepts) and formal logic, but rather by informal logic involving analogy and metaphor, and narrative accounts of phenomena that often involve memory of personal episodes, and affective responses to ideas; c. The achievement of personal meaning in science therefore involves the linking of these formal science discourses with individuals’ history of involvement with phenomena, and learning, that are situated in their everyday discursive practice; and d. To support successful learning in science in a second language, we must find ways of ensuring that these informal narrative accounts of students’ thinking and feeling and memory are included in classroom practices.
The issues for teaching science in a second language, arising from these perspectives on learning, are canvassed as four questions I have embedded in the paper.
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Дата: 13.02.2009
by LeDuc, Ellen H.
Minimal class participation by students with limited English proficiency (LEP), and LEP student failure to pass regular classroom tests were addressed through cooperative learning in a second grade science class. Classroom techniques used included strategies for using the scientific method of investigation, hands-on activities, experiments, music, creative movement done to poetry, and a science fair exhibit. Each LEP student was grouped with at least two bilingual students who spoke both Spanish, the target language group, and English. Provisions were made with bilingual teachers for assessment of those unable to be tested in English. Results indicate that a comprehensive program using bilingual, cooperative learning and active involvement of all students in a wide range of instructional activities will better meet the needs of students with limited English proficiency.
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Дата: 13.02.2009
by Lyubov DombevaLyubov Dombeva is a freelance teacher and teacher trainer based in Sofia, Bulgaria. She has a degree in Biology with a speciality in teaching Biology in English. Currently she teaches Biology through the medium of English at Prof. Vasil Zlatarski – IB World School in Sofia. Lyubov is a member of the Bulgarian English Teachers' Association presenting regularly at the BETA annual conference on Content and Language Integrated Learning. She is an active member of the Forum for Across the Curriculum Teaching from its beginning ( www.factworld.info). Lyubov has been a dedicated participant in the Science Across the World programme since 2000 and organized international school projects for her school. She often reviews teaching materials for the Ministry of Education. This year Lyubov commented on Keith Kelly’s work for the Macmillan Vocabulary Practice Series on Science. Lyubov also contributes to CLIL courses for teachers of subjects and English organized by Sofia University’s In-service Teacher Training Department. Last year Mrs. Dombeva also contributed to the Language Across the Curriculum courses for CLIL teachers at Norwich Institute for Language Education, July 2006. (dombeva@abv.bg)
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Дата: 21.02.2009
The effect of teaching
in native and foreign language on students' conceptual understanding in science
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Дата: 06.11.2009
Do Coyle, University of
Nottingham, Planning and Monitoring CLIL Presenting 3 Tools for Teachers
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Дата: 06.11.2009